
Mar 3, 2009

Jordan's Interview (Jordan is a DIWF)

Jordan. you do sound like you have a cold!! do you want me to come over and bring some chicken soup??!!? I can help painting your sons room too!! Just call and I'll be there!!
The interview is short but he sounds so like himself. and we like himself, i mean him... i mean I'm up since 7 am- give me a break and let me go help Jordan paint the room, OK???
So yep Jordan is THE DIWF.
I= I
W= Will, Would, Want to
F= hey!! im not going to write that here but you know what it is)

Or like some say DID
D= dad
I= I, I'd
D= Do

enjoy the interview now:
The interview part 1

Part two is great!! talking about a new album, Jordan being bad and staying up after his

1 תגובות:

Anonymous said...

Hey! thank you for posting this, i haven't heard that before, do you know if there is another part to that?

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